Group Discussion on Global warming,and Globalization
The reasons global warming-We are as a Race progressing towards rapid globalisation at an exponential rate.To achieve that we are harnessing any and every resource we can lay our hands on .We are burning fossil fuels at an alarming rate emitting green house gases.We are also trying to get our hands on any feasible land for infrastructure,without giving a second thought about agricultural sustainability.
Importance of globalisation-The population of the world is increasing at alarming rate.We have to create opportunities for everyone,irrespective of their geography.All of us should have the access to any and every resource across the globe to use it for their business or luxury(imported cars).One person's luxury would be someone else's business.The most important aspect of globalisation is that it gives a wider target audience for all the small scale farmers or cottage industries.This could also mean they can learn new things from the global market as well as propagate their knowledge world wide.
Major factors of global warming-In the rapid globalisation scenario ,The conservation of fossil fuels and use of clean sources of energy takes the back seat.The main reason for this is that,cleaner fuels of energy are very expensive and take toll on the net profit.We would have to take measures to realise the benefits of cleaner fuel on the longer run and consider the current pricing as an investment towards the future.
Global warming levels across countries-The developing nations are the largest contributors of green house gases.(green house gases are those that do not allow the heat from the earth's surface to escape from the atmosphere,thereby increasing the temperature ).In the race of becoming a developed nation,The green house emission is not the prime concern.The developed countries are doing better.The developed countries have realised the importance and are investing more on renewable sources of energy.
Incentives for industries using cleaner sources of fuel,this way there may be more industries who would opt for cleaner sources of energy.Increase in Investment of renewable resources and use of suitable resources based on geographic location of the premises
wind energy-The energy is harnessed by using wind mills.The energy is produced by spinning of wind mills.The best and suitable place for this would be in open spaces where there is a good flow of wind and open space for a wind farm.The place is called a wind farm because the energy from a single wind mill is not economically feasible.The main criteria for a wind farm would be a large open space with a constant flow of wind
Hydroelectric energy-In this form of energy the energy is generated by the rotation of turbines due to the falling water.Hydro electric power plants are usually situated in places where there is a dam or a natural water fall with water falling in significant amounts to rotate the turbines.
Solar Energy energy-The energy produced is due to the sunlight falling on solar panels.The use of photovoltaic cells are made to harness the electricity.This can be set-up only in a place where there is a lot of sunlight and open space for the panels.The cause of concern is that the intial cost on the panels is very high.
Tracking of carbon foot print of companies
carbon footprint is the amount of energy consumed(carbon dioxide released in the atmosphere causing pollution) by an organisation
There should be some kind of penalty on companies having a heavy carbon footprint
Encouraging companies to go carbon neutral
carbon neutral is to offset the carbon gases released by using the renewable sources of energy
The companies have to use as many alternate sources to use clean sources of energy as well as to rejuvenate the resources that they have consumes in order to go carbon neutral.