Educational system-A country's backbone in developement
Educational system-This is the back bone of the economy,which many of us are not aware about.The future of many developing countries lie in the hands of their education system and that is also primarily how we predict the future of a country's economy.
Assessment-This is the primary way of calculating the amount of knowledge gained from a specific educational course.There are different ways of assessing the knowledge for example
Written Test-It can be graded test to see the score obtained and compare it to the benchmark set.
Oral Test-The teacher can orally ask some questions that require the application of knowledge from the content learnt.
Project-This would be the best way.The teacher could to tell the students to create a project by inferring from the content learnt.
Book based-The education system primarily relies on book for knowledge.When the questions are just facts from the book,Then it becomes a memory test and not a learning assessment.The question asked should make the learner apply the concepts that he learnt from the book .
Syllabus-The syllabus should keep getting updated more frequently ,as time is more eventful in the 21st Century.In terms of technology,we are in the era Cloud computing and Data Analytics,But there is hardly any content pertaining to it in the college text books
Subjects-We are still studying the subjects that have been proposed decades back.We should try getting more relevant subjects for the students based on their interest.This way the tendency of the student towards studies will improve a lot.
Life skills-We call it the education system,but it only gives us academic skills.Life skills like cooking,plumbing,carpentry etc should also get included in the educational system.
Soft skills-The skills that matter in the job market are soft skills first and then the technical skills.We can have knowledge about various things,but it is the soft skill that will help us communicate,coordinate ,convince and deliver the content by negotiating with the customer.
Computers-All of us have read computer as subject,but mostly as an optional subject.We are in an era of computer and computers are an inevitable part of our lives.All the students should get the earliest head start in the field of computers to adapt and advance in life.
Continuous Learning-We are graded usually on couple of exams at the end of every semester or term,But it should be more on a regular basis like weekly in order to make it enjoyable.We should keep learning even after our education,as they say change is inevitable and we have to keep changing as required or perish.
Ranking-We have the concept of ranking every one based on their scores obtained.Is it really necessary??Some people might argue ,that it is necessary to calibrate the knowledge gained.The disadvantage is that,it gives a complex to people not scoring well.We can have scores or grades ,but ranks??