It is an interconnected web of resources that can communicate and share resources among one another.
Q2 . What are network packets?
A network packet is a packet of data that is transmitted across the network.The packet contains information like what data has to be transmitted and also some information like source and destination .
Q3 . What is a socket?
Sockets are used for communication.A socket is bound to a port number and server is bound to the socket waiting for incoming requests or connections.
Q4 . What are the various technologies used in wired communication?
Wired technologies are used to transmit data through a physical medium.Examples are
>Coaxial cable
>Fibre optic cable
>Twisted pair cable
Q5 . What are the various technologies used in wireless communication?
Wireless technologies are used to transmit the data without a physical medium.Examples are
Q6 . What is a NIC card ?
It stands for Network interface controller.It a hardware chip that is used to connect a computer to the network.
Q7 . What is a mac Address?
It stands for media access control address.It is unique address for a system assigned to a system by the NIC manafacturer.
Q8 . What is an IP address?
IP stands for internet protocol.It is a unique address assigned to various resources on the internet that helps identify the resource uniquely.
Q9 . What is a router?
It is networking device that is used to forward network packets across the network to other routers or devices.
Q10 . What is a modem?
Modem actually means a device tha helps modulate and demodulate signals.The modem helps receive the analog data by converting it to a digital format the computer understands and similarly converts digital computer signals to analog signals that can b